Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer in Black and White

So, this summer has been amazing so far. I Have been able to see my hunny almost everyday, and i have been able to spend time with one of my best friends/ fellow photographer and get helping hints. And, i have been allowed to take some breath taking pictures of things people usually wouldnt find beauty in. I hope you enjoy this collection and the many more photos this summer. 

©AbbigaleCelestePhotography 2011

Miss Sara

Once again, I got a chance to take pictures of one of my best friends. This time was a little more chill and relaxed and we didn't take as many due to the fact that we couldn't. But it was ok, because the few we got were perfect. :)
They were all taken at the lake in my subdivision. Which usually isnt the nicest place to take pictures, but these actually cam out nicely.

I think this one has to be my favorite. lol. 

©AbbigaleCelestePhotography 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge.

I will be participating in the 30 day photo challenge coming very soon. I think its a good way to get out there and get some new pictures. :) It helps me get out there and experience the different types of picture taking that i can get.

Here are the Guidlines:

  1. Self Portrait
  2. Flight – anything in flight (animal, machine, etc.)
  3. Fire – Please don’t burn anything down just to take a photo!
  4. Water – Anything that contains water
  5. Spring – What shouts Spring to you?
  6. Shadows – Normally, you don’t want to see shadows in a photo. This time, we’re making them the focus!
  7. Macro – Zoom WAAAAAAAY in
  8. Where I Live – Show us something unique to the area you live in
  9. Texture – Photograph something with texture in it.
  10. Technology – Shoot anything that has to do with technology
  11. Household Item – It can be your favorite, or your least favorite, just show us something from inside your house.
  12. Motion – Anything that moves
  13. Food – Pretty self explanatory
  14. Architecture – Any kind of building
  15. Vintage – Anything old/antique
  16. Toys – Self Explanatory
  17. Emotions – Something showing emotion
  18. Reflections – Anything that casts a reflection/shows a reflection
  19. Insects – Love ‘em or hate ‘em, let’s shoot ‘em!
  20. Books – Get creative with a stack of books
  21. Church – A photograph of any church
  22. Fashion – Anything that has to do with fashion
  23. Color – Something that shows vibrant color
  24. Easter – What says Easter to you?
  25. Rocks, Stones, Pebbles – Self Explanatory
  26. Looking Up – Do what it says – take a picture looking up.
  27. Abandoned – Something that’s been abandoned
  28. Furry Friends – Can be your pet(s) or any kind of furry creature if you don’t have a pet
  29. Accidental Letters – Pushing you a little harder – find a letter made of something in nature or man-made
  30. Free Choice - After 30 days, show us anything you want to! (Family Friendly, of course)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ginger Duke - My best friend

Hey guys, so today ginger pie came over for a bit and let me take some pictures for her. She was so much fun. I think its funny though because she was so un photogenic, and she usually is. But i still got some really good pictures.

These were taken at the lake. I think they came out really well, for a non photogenic person. lol. I love how she is able to smile, but at the same time keep a very composed way about her.

These pictures were with her 1966 Chevy. Which i am so jealous of. lol. i think they came out perfect.

these are really good as well. i am happy that i was able to do some for her. she wants to do more, but we will have to wait for that. :) hope you guys think they look alright. LOL

Love ya, peace and love


©AbbigaleCelestePhotography 2011