Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer in Black and White

So, this summer has been amazing so far. I Have been able to see my hunny almost everyday, and i have been able to spend time with one of my best friends/ fellow photographer and get helping hints. And, i have been allowed to take some breath taking pictures of things people usually wouldnt find beauty in. I hope you enjoy this collection and the many more photos this summer. 

©AbbigaleCelestePhotography 2011

Miss Sara

Once again, I got a chance to take pictures of one of my best friends. This time was a little more chill and relaxed and we didn't take as many due to the fact that we couldn't. But it was ok, because the few we got were perfect. :)
They were all taken at the lake in my subdivision. Which usually isnt the nicest place to take pictures, but these actually cam out nicely.

I think this one has to be my favorite. lol. 

©AbbigaleCelestePhotography 2011